Working in collaboration with ÅF-Infrastructure, Logicenters conducted an energy audit of 13 of Logicenters’ properties. The energy audit shows that the logistics facilities can save up to 30 percent of their total energy consumption. Moreover,
most of the actions appear to involve relatively small investments.
Last winter, Logicenters commissioned ÅF-Infrastructure to initiate a project to help Logicenters’ tenants improve energy efficiency and to reduce their environmental impact. In total, 13 of Logicenters’ logistics facilities have undergone an energy review with the results showing great potential for saving. By streamlining energy consumption in the properties, it is possible to reduce energy costs by one third. In total, this means savings of SEK 500,000 annually – for each property.
“Our energy review shows that a great deal of energy is being wasted. The result indicates that there is greater potential for savings than we believed, especially considering that the properties which were inspected are modern facilities. The cooperation with ÅF is an important step for Logicenters in our efforts to improve the energy efficiency of our properties and to reduce our carbon footprint,” says Matthias Kettelhoit, Head of Logicenters.
Energy-efficient actions in the 13 facilities can reduce CO2 emissions by a total of more than 1 000 tonnes per year. For the properties which underwent the energy review, the proposed measures to save 30 percent would mean a repayment term of 7.5 years.
When introducing minor measures, which essentially do not involve any monetary investments, the savings potential is still 6 percent.
“Energy efficiency may seem expensive, but we want to use this project to demonstrate that it does not have to cost a fortune to lower costs. It may mean training the staff in the efficient handling of machines or introducing timed lighting on the premises. Certain investments have a longer repayment period than others, but in the long run, both the bank account and the environment benefit from introducing smart, energy-efficient measures,” says Björn Rinde, energy consultant at ÅF-Infrastructure.
The work is now continuing to carry out energy audits at more facilities in Logicenters’ property portfolio. In total, it is estimated that the properties could reduce their CO2 emissions by as much as 6 400 tonnes a year through the introduction of more energy-efficient measures.
List of tips for how to improve energy efficiency at logistics properties:
- Unnecessary ventilation – Review the property’s night-time ventilation, as it is often ventilated unnecessarily when no one is on site.
- Heating – At many facilities, the indoor temperature is higher than necessary. Along with improved procedures for how doors are opened and closed, regulating indoor temperature can mean a significant saving for minimal costs.
- Streamlining the lighting – By modernising the lighting it is possible to control the lighting more smartly as well as achieving lower energy consumption when lights are switched on. Often, lights are left turned on for long periods when no one is present.