Logicenters develops new distribution center in Ishøj – 8,900 sqm modern warehouse available April 2019

Logicenters develops new distribution center in Ishøj
– 8,900 sqm modern warehouse available April 2019

Logicenters will be developing a new facility at Vejleåvej 11, Ishøj just outside of Copenhagen. A contract has been signed with Havi Logistics which will be leasing 4 500 sqm. Logicenters is looking for tenants for the remaining 8 900 sqm which is currently vacant. The development is scheduled to be finished by April 15, 2019.

The new facility that Logicenters will be developing is located outside of Copenhagen at Vejleåvej 11, Ishøj. It is scheduled to be completed April 15, 2019. The total size of the planned facility will be 13 400 sqm. Havi Logistics has signed a lease for 4 500 sqm of the facility which includes freeze, cooled and traditional warehouse. The remaining 8 900 sqm are currently vacant and Logicenters are positive about finding future tenants.

– We´re happy to be developing a new facility in a strategic location like Ishøj. Havi Logistics will find their logistics needs suited in the new facility with modern specifications and we are happy that we can offer another 8 900 sqm of modern warehouse to other tenants, says Mikael Olesen, Asset Manager at Logicenters.

– It has been a strategic decision for Havi Logistics to establish a new distribution center close to Copenhagen, and during the process Logicenters has made an effort to understand our needs to ensure that the new building will meet our requirements, says Jørgen Juul Bertelsen, Regional Director of Havi Logistics.

– Logicenters has been an important partner in the development of the new transport and logistics area Winthersminde in Ishøj. This new development will create further job opportunities and attract new business. These modern logistics facilities are a contribution to the municipality and we’re looking forward to continuing to work with Logicenters, says Ole Bjørstorp, Mayor of Ishøj municipality.


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