NREP Logicenters closes first acquisitions in Norway

NREP Logicenters, the leading provider and developer of modern logistics properties in the Nordics, announced today the acquisition of its first two properties in Norway.

The two properties have a combined warehouse space of roughly 15,000 sqm and are located in Berger along the E6 highway between Oslo and the Gardermoen Airport. The properties were acquired by NREP Nordic Strategies Fund I, a fund managed by NREP.
Rickard S. Dahlberg, Co-CIO of NREP, comments:
“The assets are excellent additions to our strategy of developing and owning properties in prime logistics locations, benefitting from a long-term trend of increasing demand and a current shortage of supply.”
Jens Petter Hagen, head of NREP’s office in Oslo, further adds:
“These transactions mark our first logistics investments in Norway where the market is lacking large and specialized players like NREP Logicenters and where we have an ambition to continue to grow. Berger is an excellent first location to begin building our Norwegian logistics platform”.


For additional information please contact:
Rickard S. Dahlberg, Partner and Co-CIO,+46 709 52 02 03
Jonas Kennerhed, Asset Manager, +46 709 77 00 55
Jens Petter Hagen, Partner and head of NREP’s Oslo office, +47 4827 8731

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