The logistics property in Stigamo is now expanding with Babyshop as tenant. The area of the facility will duplicate with an additional 22 550 sqm. In connection to the development, the logistic property provider Logicenter’s leasing agreement with Babyshop is extended.
In June 2017, Logicenters acquired the property in Stigamo, Jönköping. The facility is developed by Reach Fastigheter and located strategically in a logistic hub with visibility towards E4 highway. To further support Babyshop’s growing e-commerce the distribution center is now expanding in close cooperation with Logicenters and Qvana Invest. The property’s size will increase with an additional 22 550 sqm, to a total area of 43 000 sqm.
– The facility is in line with our strategy to develop and own logistic properties with modern specifications. We are excited to continue the development of the logistics for one of most prominent e-commerce companies in Sweden and to gain further knowledge and insights into the logistical requirements that the future e-commerce faces, says Matthias Kettelhoit, Commercial Head of Logicenters.
The new part of the property will primarily be used for pallet racking since the automated system AutoStore will occupy a larger area of the property’s existing part. Currently, the distribution center employs 60 people. A figure that Marcus Tagesson, CEO at Babyshop, believes will increase to a few hundred within a few years. In connection to the expansion, the initial 10-year leasing agreement is also extended by two additional years.
– In order to succeed with strong growth in e-commerce, modern and flexible logistics is elementary. We are now expanding further and are pleased to have found strong logistics partners in both Logicenters and Qvana Invest, says Marcus Tagesson, CEO at Babyshop.
For additional information, please contact:
Matthias Kettelhoit, Commercial Head of Logicenters
Phone: +46 70 583 44 06